1. Download Modoium Remote Unity Asset.

  2. Import the package into your Unity project, then you can find it from Package Manager.

    Screenshot 2024-08-06 220557.png

  3. Open Modoium Remote Status window from “[Editor Menu]/Window/Modoium Remote/View Status…”. You can view some information needed to connect from your device.

    Open Modoium Remote Status window from the menu

    Open Modoium Remote Status window from the menu

    Modoium Remote Status window

    Modoium Remote Status window

  4. Get Modoium app from the app store.

  5. Make sure your mobile device and PC is on the same network.

  6. Open Modoium app. You can find your Unity project in the list.


  7. Tap your project, and enter the verification code in the Modoium Remote Status window.


  8. If connected, Modoium Remote Status window will display the message “Device connected” and the app will enter standby mode.

    Modoium Remote Status window will display the message “Device connected”

    Modoium Remote Status window will display the message “Device connected”

    Modoium App : Standby View

    Modoium App : Standby View

  9. Play the Unity editor then the app displays the rendered image in Unity Game View.